The Cultural Perspective in Psychiatry

Re-conceptualizing Culture and Context to meet the Needs of a Globalizing World
Two webinars, free of charge
Organized by the Local Organizing Committee of the 6th World Congress of the World Association for Cultural Psychiatry in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
19 November 2021
During the past decades, there has been an increasing awareness of the role of culture and context in mental health service provision. With continued globalization, increased risk of global disasters, and structural inequalities, the next few decades will witness an ever-greater interest in cultural and structural factors that impact our patients’ mental health and social surrounding.
In the run-up to the 6th World Congress of Cultural Psychiatry on 14-17 September 2022, the WACP organizes two webinars, in which four experts in the fields of cultural psychiatry and anthropology will elaborate on the topic of the congress, by addressing the following questions:
- What are, historically, the dominant approaches to conceptualize culture and context in theory and practice of cultural psychiatry?
- What are the main critiques on our current approach to culturally competent case formulation (for instance using the outline of the cultural formulation)?
- How can cultural case formulations be “recontextualized”, using a broader understanding of context that more rigorously takes into account the role of structural and systemic determinants of mental illness?
- What are the main challenges in this process?
Webinar 1:
Friday, November 19th 2021, 11 am – 12:15 pm CET
Mario Braakman, President-elect of the WACP and Professor of Transcultural Forensic Psychiatry, Tilburg University and Pro Persona, The Netherlands
Mihri Heval Özgen, Associate Professor, Leiden University Medical Centre and Parnassia Psychiatric Institute, The Netherlands
Webinar 2:
Friday, November 19th 2021, 8 – 9:15 pm CET
Laurence Kirmayer, James McGill Professor and Director, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, McGill University, Canada
Mitchell Weiss, Professor Emeritus of Cultural Epidemiology, Swiss Tropical Institute, University of Basel, Switzerland
The webinars will also feature short video messages by a number of WACP experts, reflecting on the theme of the upcoming congress in 2022 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The Webinars are 75 minutes each and offered to you for free by courtesy by the Dutch local organizing committee of the 6th WACP World Congress and the Board of the WACP. Registration is required to participate