Virtual Work Meeting on Family and Culture
Open Invitation
Family & Culture Special Interest Group (SIG)
SIG Co-chairs: Vincenzo Di Nicola & Riyadh Al-Baldawi
World Association of Cultural Psychiatry (WACP)
WACP President: Roberto Lewis-Fernández
Dear Colleague and Friend,
The Family & Culture Special Interest Group (SIG) of the World Association of Cultural Psychiatry (WACP) would like to invite you to a virtual work meeting on June 11, 2022 @1 pm EDT.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 502 954 0422
Passcode: 545710
The aim of this meeting is to plan a program for our future events for the Family & Culture SIG. We are reaching out to you to help us with your expertise and clinical experiences to put those topics you want us to treat in our future programs.
Our intention as co-founders of this SIG is to convene colleagues interested in families and culture together to share their clinical experiences and inform us about new models and forms of family intervention they are using in their clinical practices.
Doing therapy with families is complex and needs to include a number of theoretical models as well as knowledge of the family’s socio-cultural and religious background, among other key variables, requiring an understanding of the character of their problem and an understanding of how family members work to solve these problems.
International migration (both forced and voluntary forms) makes the displacement of the family from their home socio-cultural environment to a new one at the host country is often a huge social challenge. This process brings many challenges to the family’s internal and external relations and resources. To deal with all these challenges, the family usually need support and professional help from culturally-informed experts. Psychiatric problems within migrant families could be another critical social challenge where many families need specialized help to deal with these challenges.
We would like to include in our future program wider topics on family intervention where theoretical and practical clinical experiences complement each other. We hope that your active participation at our coming work meeting will help to achieve this target. We are looking to encourage wider group of professionals working with the families in our future program and activities.
We look forward to meeting you at this upcoming planning meeting.
Please confirm your participation by email to us:
Vincenzo Di Nicola:
Hans Rohlof: